Relationships End.
28.11.12 at 15:35.
What they don't tell you is that they can end without fault from either of the involved parties. In youth, we are often brought up under the assumption that it takes a 'fuck-up' by your partner (or yourself) to end relationships. It also embedded that relationships cease due to changes in personality, values, and/or interests; to put it plainly, you grow apart. Although, it is true that these occurrences are common, they are not always the case.
Sometimes, just sometimes....relationships simply, run their course.
Not all relationships are meant to last lifetimes. The beauty of their significance is found is the fragility of their existence, and that my freaky darlings, is why relations long since past should always be looked upon with an air of awe. Fuck all of that analyzing, anger, regret, and ...occasional nausea. That period of time was likely lavish in experience, sensation, knowledge, and/or orgasm (dependent upon the relationship's degree).
To all my...
Snowday Snuggle Bug(s)
Weekend Lover(s)
Summer Wifey(s)
Road Trip Babymama(s)
Fall Semester Boo(s)
Residency Future-Ex(s)
You are the reason why broken windows make my soul long for unknown beauties
And if the sages see purpose in a reunion, I'll meet you at our spot

Labels: love letters, relationships end