18.9.12 at 19:43.

You left hours before, yet here I remain.
On a bed not my own, in a room I've only ventured into once before.
On a bed not my own, in a room I've only ventured into once before.
Frozen in the exact spot where moments before, you had kissed me goodbye.
A blank stare blanketed my face and goosebumps riddled my flesh.
My arms lay limp at my side.
Emotions ravaged my being and my loins began to scream.
Your taste lingering upon my lips.
My juices still clinging to my inner thighs.
Maybe, just maybe if I remained very still, time would lose its sway.
Internally, I hit rewind.
There you appeared before my eye, so present, so unyielding
Luscious. Melanin.
Full. Pout.
Glorious. Curves.
We were one, AGAIN.
Twisted inside out, exploding through the restraints of physical form.
We found something rougher than passion and rode it into submission.
There was only us.
We found something rougher than passion and rode it into submission.
There was only us.
Suddenly, your eyes were not as brown.
Your skin not as warm
You were fading, fading from me.
What was this force pulling me back to reality?
Why had it chosen to forsaken me?
My fucking cellphone was ringing.
How spiteful, technology can be.
Alone, missing you.

Labels: expressions, if only for one night