6.1.13 at 22:32.
Inspired by my ridiculously awe-inspiring femme kindred lovejoy, Kaylabee... oh please, I won't even begin to get into how much this goddess grooves and moves all that I am. It's just another one of those I see me in you kind of connections and it's nothing but dig.
She recently made a request of me and me being the design fanatic that I am, enthusiastically offered my services. A few days into the project, my mind begin to wander skywards and I found myself transfixed on trying to express an emotion that has no name. I still don't know what the hell it is, but the shit is strong and oozing with vibe (so clearly, I'm a fan). Normally a personal collage such as this, would only take me a few hours but do to the foreign territory in which my genie was floating, the path made unexpected turns and led me upon many different ventures. Fact is, it was some trippy shit.
In the end, it was a quote that cleared the waters and broke the chains of haze that held me prisoner. In actuality, it was not a quote, it was a phrase from an exhibition that was inspired by a novel entitled, " Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide" by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.
Women Hold Up Half The Sky
So what begin as a snowballed into an ode to the woman and her undeniable power. Her inability to be anything less than transcendent. And so, Hathor was birthed and lovingly empowered by every set of femme eyes to bless her creation.
"...for Women Worldwide"

Labels: digital paintbrush, Hathor